Friday, June 18, 2010

Run 888

Hulu Langat Hash House celebrates Run 888 which coincidently falls exactly on HLH4's 17th birthday on 24/7/2010. 17 years as a hash chapter with a somewhat consistent membership of about 70.

This will be HLH4's biggest celebration thus far and the Disorganising Committee have worked tirelessly and are still working and drinking hard to make this event a most memorable one for everyone.

Plans are to have 2 runs. One 'B to A' run for the first 200 filling up the buses, and an 'A to A' run for the others.

The goodie bag will carry at least 2 collectors' item T-shirts.

Ice cold Skol beer will start flowing from 5.00pm and will only stop at 12 midnight.

Food, glorious food. Buffet / hawker style.

Accommodation - rooms in a few hotels close to the runsite have been blocked off for the out of towners. Rates are reasonable.